
The Madeira Music Boosters is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, volunteer organization that supports and promotes the Madeira Music Programs. It is financially independent of the district and is self-governing. Any parent or guardian of a current or former Madeira Music student is automatically a member. There are no dues and no membership requirements except that you must be willing to uphold the objectives of the organization.

Feel free to contact us at

2022-2023 Meeting Dates

Music Booster meetings will be held at 6:00 pm on the following dates in the high school band room. All are welcome to attend.

September 22, 2022
* Other meetings will be added once scheduled.


PresidentBarbara Turcotte
VP CommunicationsAlison Sampson
TreasurerJodi Jenkins
VP LogisticsLou Flores
Marching Band CoordinatorElizabeth Geers
Prop BuildingMatt Turcotte
FundraisingMelissa Rane
Band Food Coordinator Sarah Schilling / Sara Pease
Spirit WearTammi Chalfie / Amy Donnellan
Band UniformsMegan Miller

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